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Say It Ain't So
The Past

On this page We have everything thats older from the site.

July 29th. Topic: "island in the Sun"
Okay, we havent had a rant in awhile so here goes. I think that "island in the sun" is second single materal. Dont take offense, but it's not. Personaly I would have picked "Photograph." But does it really matter what i think, i think so. So what do you guys want to be the third single for "The green album"?
Wow that was short.
The weekly rant won't have to cloud up the news page anymore!!

Aug 11th weekly rant, this weeks topic:Why WHY WHY THE AGONY!!!!
I am obbesed with the song "photograph and now i have heard that =w= is making a new "Island in the sun" video, please no! Move on to the third sigle really fast!!Do it like outkast and i'll be happy, cause if the current sigle dosent do all that well, why make a new video , just make a real good long vidoe for Photograph, well that was pointless!

July 29th. Topic: "island in the Sun"
Okay, we havent had a rant in awhile so here goes. I think that "island in the sun" is second single materal. Dont take offense, but it's not. Personaly I would have picked "Photograph." But does it really matter what i think, i think so. So what do you guys want to be the third sinle for "The green album"?
Wow that was short.

WEEKLY RANT: June 13th, 2001
Topic: Once Again
Once again i got back from the message board at weezer.com
and people can't stop trashing Rivers. Stuff like "Is Rivers queer?"(nothin wrong with it) and something like Rivers bein a drugy. C'mon my freinds, stay outta his way. My points for this are 1. Rivers most likely smokes pot, common drug. 2. WHO CARES WHAT HIS SEXUAL PREFERENCE IS! 3.I dont think that he really cares what you think.
FOOT NOTE: I hope this dosent offend anyone.

Weekly Rant July 7th 2001
Topic: Burn to rivers
I just got back from the weezer bulletien board, I didn't spend more than 5 Min. there. People callin weezer sellouts, saying Fuck you to Rivers and that rivers an asshole case he dosent sign autographs? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? I mean litterlay, give me a break. You guys rag on every fuckin band you can, if you found out that NOFX tixs were goin for more than $20, you'd drop them faster tahn a cow with a knife, c'mon you guys, quit the whining.

WEEKLY RANT: June 28th, 2001
MORE hash pipe
Recently I have been gathering the opions of several weezer fans on nerd chats, and some opions of the meaning of hash pipe are very different. One opion i have ever tought of, one anyonous weezer solider came up with the idea that it could be about Rivers saying telling the record company sucks ass after they didn't support the band after Rivers realsed all his deep toughts to the world and(tough to me, it rules) "pinkerton" tanked. For example "these players come to get me cause they like my behind....." and other lines in the song. Rivers may be hiding that with the idea that the song is from the piont of a cross dressing whore on santa monica, but, who knows for sure. 505

WEEKLY RANT, JUNE 19th, 2001
Whats up with MTV and H*SH PIPE or sum other channels callin it HALF PIPE witch startes a whole commotion about the song bein' about a cross dressing skater, what the hell is that? I think that weezer should step in and say " SHUT THE HELL UP!" to everyone... But Rivers (Vocals, guitar) insisted that he dosen't care during inerviews before the MTV movie awards and @ muchmusic the next day, I do belive.
Also there is dedate over the words in the chourus on the first single, people sayin EYE SWIPE, ASS WIPE, ASS WIDE, I GOT MY WHATEVERRRRR! So when they(MUCH) asked Rivers he said, It's debatable, not a quote i add. AND ANOTHER THING, watching an interview with weezer is not very FUN.
For example asking a questoin to Rivers that could be answerd in a LONG response, he simply states NO or YES ( CHECK OUT A RECENT ISSUE OF ROLLING STONE FOR A COOL Q&A W/ RIVERS)
but Patrick likes interview, so I wonder if Rivers is just shy....


August 17th to August 27th
a tie between "Photograph"and "el schorcho" how'd that happen
Photograph 9 (32%)
surf wax america 6 (21%)
El shorcho 9 (32%)
Crab 4 (14%)
28 Total votes

Song of the week for august 11th to august 17th
" Surf Wax america" Once again!
Photograph 2 (11%)
surf wax america 7 (41%)
tired of sex 5 (29%)
only in dreams 3 (17%)
17 Total votes

August somthing to august 11th "surf wax america"
knock down drag out 5 (18%)

surf wax america 11 (40%)

across the sea 5 (18%)

the good life 6 (22%)

27 Total votes

"EL SHORCHO" July 25th to august 4th

"THE GOOD LIFE" July 10 to July 24
El shorcho 4 (19%)

knock down drag out 4 (19%)

the good life 8 (38%)

only in dreams 5 (23%)
21 Total votes

The week of July 30th to June 10th
El shorcho 13 (56%)
Buddy holly 3 (13%)
Pink triangle 4 (17%)
Photograph 3 (13%)
23 Total votes